While getting older is a part of life, it is only natural to want to continue feeling attractive, confident and vibrant indefinitely. Hence, many people worry about impending and emerging signs of aging. In this blog, world-famous facial plastic surgeon Dr. Min S. Ahn discusses some of the first signs of aging people notice on their face, as well as the treatments he recommends to keep his patients looking youthful for as long as possible.

Fine Lines and Wrinkles

As your skin gradually loses its elasticity, it becomes more susceptible to lasting indentations. People generally notice their first lines and wrinkles around the parts of their face with the most muscle mobility, like the forehead. Early frown lines (vertical lines between the eyebrows) and creases along the brow can be eliminated with Botox by temporarily freezing the muscles that leave lines on the skin.   

Age Spots

One of the reasons doctors encourage people to wear sunscreen is that UV ray exposure accelerates production of melanin. When this increased melanin clumps together, it can create darkened (usually brown) spots on the skin. This form of hyperpigmentation on the skin is one of the first changes people notice. The Fraxel Dual laser is a highly effective solutions for evening skin tone and improving texture.

Sunken Cheeks

A youthful face tends to have more volume. With age, facial fat droops and the body does not produce as much collagen. Gaunt cheeks can be addressed with fat transfer, though early aging is easily corrected with dermal fillers like Juvederm or Restylane.

Crow’s Feet

Because the skin is thinner around the eyes, web-like wrinkles extending from the outer corners of the eyes can form over time, and these wrinkles will become deeper set with time. The most effective solution for premature crow’s feet is Botox or Dysport since they relax some of the muscles around the eyes to give the lines a chance to soften and fade.

Gray Hair

The pigment cells in your follicles that give your hair its color eventually die. Without pigmentation, new growth comes in gray, white or silver. Most people will notice their first gray hairs at some point in their 30s. There is not a surgical solution for this problem — fortunately hair dye does the trick for most people.

Learn More About Your Treatment Options at the Aesthetic Wellness Center

Dr. Ahn is a double board-certified plastic surgeon who usually recommends less invasive procedures for the initial signs of aging. When skin sagging becomes more significant and wrinkles become deeper set, then plastic surgery may become a more appropriate and longer-lasting solution. Whether you have early or more developed signs of aging, make an appointment at one of our offices in Westborough or Wellesley, MA to determine a treatment plan that benefits you most.

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Take the next step by scheduling a private consultation with Dr. Ahn. He and our expert team will guide you toward natural, confidence-boosting results that reflect you.

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