Have you ever noticed that many people develop two protruding vertical strips on their neck as they get older? These are muscles known as platysmal bands. Over time, they can create the appearance of a turkey neck. With more time, they may become permanently visible, even when the muscles are at rest. In this blog, double-board certified facial plastic surgeon Dr. Min S. Ahn explains what causes platysmal bands to appear, as well as how to treat them.

What Causes Platysmal Bands

While genetics can accelerate the rate at which platysmal bands appear on your neck, the main culprit for these muscles becoming more noticeable is aging. When we are younger the bands are fused together. Over time, they separate and fall forward. This is why the vertical bands become apparent.  

The emergence of platysmal bands poses no health problems, so there is no urgent medical reason to address the bands. However, you may not like your platysmal bands from an aesthetic perspective and decide to speak to a plastic surgeon about improving them cosmetically. 

Treatment Options

A neck lift is the most effective procedure available for minimizing the appearance of platysmal bands. Here, Dr. Ahn tightens and lifts the muscles and skin for a smoother, tauter and younger look that deemphasizes the bands. This procedure is called a “corset platysmaplasty” and is the gold standard neck rejuvenation technique. A lower facelift is often combined with a neck lift, and may be the right choice for you if you have jowls and signs of an aging neck.

Platysmal bands can also be treated in a less invasive manner with injectables. Botox and Dysport do a good job of relaxing the platysmal muscles so that they do not protrude as prominently. While there is no downtime associated with these injectable treatments, the results are temporary. 

Hear Dr. Ahn’s Professional Opinion on Your Platysmal Bands

Dr. Ahn is New England’s premier facial plastic surgeon. He has spent his career helping his patients to attain younger, smoother necks. After examining your platysmal bands during a consultation, he can suggest the appropriate course of treatment to allow you to make an informed decision to improve the contours of your neck. To arrange an appointment, please call the Aesthetic Wellness Center at (508) 426-8622.

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Take the next step by scheduling a private consultation with Dr. Ahn. He and our expert team will guide you toward natural, confidence-boosting results that reflect you.

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