Double chins can be a problem for many people at any age. However, thanks to the advances in technology, many people are turning to CoolSculpting to erase those stubborn fat cells. CoolSculpting, which has been around for years and is the world’s #1 non-invasive fat reduction treatment, is now able to treat the double chin. This popular and effective fat freezing procedure, which is FDA-cleared, safely and effectively freezes away unwanted fat for good without the need for surgery or downtime.

The Benefits: It’s a non-invasive procedure

Many patients find CoolSculpting appealing because the procedure is completely non-surgical. Because there is no downtime, you can typically return to work or get back to your regular activities almost immediately.

When performing the procedure, your provider uses a controlled device that freezes and destroys your body’s fat cells. Over time, your body naturally processes the fat and eliminates these dead cells, leaving your body more sculpted. Not only can CoolSculpting be used to treat a double chin>, it can also be used to eliminate fat on the abdomen, “love handles,” bra bulge, thighs, and other problem areas.

What to Expect

When preparing for the procedure, your provider will mark the area on your body to be treated and then cover it with a gel pad. The gel pad helps protect the skin. Next, your provider will use a hand-held vacuum applicator to delicately pull the extra skin and underlying fat between two cooling panels. When this happens, you may feel a slight pulling sensation. During the procedure, you may also feel as if an ice pack has been applied to the treated area. As a result, you skin may also feel numb from the cold pressure. After the procedure, you should experience a steady reduction of the fat layer generally over two to four months’ time.

Before and After CoolSculpting Pictures



Submitting your CoolSculpting Procedure to Your Insurance Company

Because CoolSculpting is considered an elective cosmetic procedure, health insurance will not cover the procedure. Patients have to pay out of pocket for CoolSculpting.

Price Estimates at the Aesthetic Wellness Center

During the clinical trial all patients received two treatments. Therefore, in order to achieve the best results, patients should expect to have two treatments. Each treatment costs $1000 per treatment.

Factors to Consider When Choosing a CoolSculpting Provider

You may be able to find other facilities who will perform the procedure cheaper, but make sure you understand why. As the saying goes, “you get what you pay for.” When you find a procedure at an unusually low rate, err on the side of caution. Before considering a CoolSculpting double chin treatment, it is important to ask yourself the following questions:

  • Who is performing the consultation for the double chin treatment
  • Is there a physician on site during the treatment
  • How much experience does the facility have in treating the neck
  • What will my results be after the treatment


Financing the Cost of CoolSculpting

Ahn Point also offers financing to pay for the cost of CoolSculpting. Find out more about our financing options and schedule your consultation with Dr. Ahn.
Why Choose ‘Ahn Point’ for your CoolSculpting Double Chin treatment

  • We are the experts in facial plastic surgery
  • We have over 15 years of experience in treating the face and neck
  • All consultations are performed by Min S. Ahn, MD FACS, a double board certified facial plastic surgeon, ensuring you are a candidate for this procedure

About ‘Ahn Point’ and Dr. Ahn

Dr. Min S. Ahn is a top-rated surgeon who specializes in facial plastic surgery. His team at Ahn Point offers the latest techniques for aesthetic facial rejuvenation, making his practice the preferred choice for many clients. The ultimate goal of The Aesthetic Wellness Center is to enhance and rejuvenate the natural beauty of their patients for results they will love. To learn more about Dr. Ahn and his dedicated team, click here.

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Take the next step by scheduling a private consultation with Dr. Ahn. He and our expert team will guide you toward natural, confidence-boosting results that reflect you.

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