You may have seen the beautiful results a facelift can give someone and how much younger and brighter that person appears. Since facelifts and neck lifts are growing in popularity, you may be considering a cosmetic procedure, but still have fears about the surgical procedure.

It is common to be anxious before a procedure, but with a board-certified surgeon, you can relax knowing that you are going to receive the best care possible. Board-certified surgeons, such as Dr. Ahn, take extra care to ensure that you will be as comfortable as possible and have all of the information you could ever need before a procedure takes place.

Before the Surgery

Before having any procedure, you need to understand that the better care you take of yourself after the procedure, the faster you can heal and get back to your regular life. This means you need to take the time to prepare and ensure that your home is ready for when you return from surgery.

Place everything you will need within arm’s reach because you will not be able to bend over or put any extra stress on your body during the healing process. You should purchase a small toothbrush to prevent stress around your jawline and buy soft foods and liquids to limit the amount of chewing you will be doing. You may want to buy a special pillow so that you may prop your head while sleeping or reading in bed as this can help with any swelling you may have after surgery.

For at least two weeks before the surgery you should absolutely stop any smoking and avoid aspirin, ibuprofen or any other medications that act as blood thinners. These can cause complications during and after your procedure. Some patients are prescribed medication to take prior to the surgery, but please follow your surgeon’s instructions closely.

When working with Dr. Ahn and the staff at the Aesthetic Wellness Center, you will be given pamphlets of information and detailed instructions on how best to prepare. You will meet with our nurse to go over a personalized plan on how to best prepare your home and body to make the process as easy and comfortable as possible. You may be surprised at just how easy the healing process will be following your procedure because of how well Dr. Ahn and the Aesthetic Wellness Center will prepare you.

The Day Before

The day before your surgery you will need to wash your hair and skin thoroughly in order to minimize any risk of infection. We provide you with Hibiclens to use at home, which is a special skin cleanser and antiseptic that kills germs on contact for up to 24 hours. You should not consume any alcohol or blood thinners. Complete any final errands early in the day so that you can spend the evening resting and knowing that you have nothing to worry about. Be sure to get plenty of sleep and follow any other instructions that your surgeon has laid out for you.

The Day of Your Procedure

Depending on the surgery, a facelift usually takes between three and four hours. Because you will be under anesthesia, you may still feel the effects of the anesthesia after the procedure is complete. For this reason, you should plan to have someone else drive you home. You will have large bandages around your face and may feel a bit tired for the rest of the day, so take it easy. Many patients say that they feel little-to-no pain following a facelift or neck lift procedure, but just because you aren’t feeling pain doesn’t mean you can start exerting your body.

The Day After

The day after your cosmetic procedure, you should meet with your surgeon so that he/she can ensure that you are healing properly and that everything looks okay. Your bandages may be removed and your hair may be washed. You can expect to feel some tightness in your skin and should continue to keep your face and neck propped and immobile for proper healing.

Healing Time After the Procedure

For a standard facelift, most patients are able to return to work and their regular daily lives within 10-14 days. During the second and third days following your surgery, you will see swelling in your face. You can expect to see some discoloration and bruising around your face as well, but shouldn’t worry as this is very normal.

You may want to enlist someone to help you with cleaning, cooking and other daily chores so that you do not exert yourself and can focus on healing. The better and more closely you follow your surgeon’s instructions, the faster you will heal with greater results. 

The thought of going through a surgical procedure can be daunting, but with an experienced, board-certified surgeon and an informative staff, you may find that a cosmetic procedure is easier and less painful than you imagined. By preparing properly and getting enough rest after the procedure, you will see amazing results in just a couple short weeks.

Dr. Ahn has been performing facelifts and necklifts successfully for 15 years and is happy to answer any questions or concerns you may have about getting a cosmetic procedure. If you want to look younger, feel more confident, and improve your quality of life, schedule a consultation with Dr. Ahn today.

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