In her video blog one week after surgery, she reported mild tenderness and swelling. This week, she continues to progress. She reports some tightness in the face that she can feel softening. She continues to sleep propped up. Amy has returned to work without a hitch.

A mini lift and neck lift corrects jawline issues, like sagging jowls, and an unflattering neck angle. You’ll go home the same day as your procedure, and return the next day to follow up with Dr. Ahn. In seven days, you will return to the office to have your sutures removed. After 10 days, you will likely feel comfortable in public with makeup. The overall mini face and neck lift recovery time is about 10 to 14 days, but Dr. Ahn advises that you allow a cushion of three to four weeks of recovery time before a planned special event.
Click here for an update from Amy one year following surgery, including the mini facelift and neck lift before and after reveal. If you’d like to explore a mini facelift and neck lift, sign up below for a consultation with Dr. Ahn at our cosmetic surgery center.

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